The Daily Rail: No Relief in Sight for NLRB Joint Employer Policy — The Rail

The Daily Rail: No Relief in Sight for NLRB Joint Employer Policy

MARKETING: 9 Things Your Sports Bar Gets Wrong in Marketing Football

For many of us, football season is the busiest time of the year. Yet so many of us don’t take full advantage of what the sport and season brings us. Here are nine tips for marketing football to your guests and using football to get people into your locations for your other great events and offers.



Coca-Cola is in “serious talks” with Aurora Cannabis to create pot-infused drinks, according to BNN Bloomberg. Coke declined to talk about any specifics but says they’re “closely watching the growth of non-psychoactive CBD as an ingredient in functional wellness beverages.” As legal pot becomes more prevalent in the US, we expect to see more talks and deals like this pop up. It’ll be interesting to see how it plays out in our sector.

Number of Malnourished Rises To 821 Million

Last year, around 821 million people worldwide were classified as malnourished by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. That's one out of every nine people on earth. 2017 was the third year in succession that the number of people afflicted by hunger increased with catastrophic weather events such as drought and flooding primarily responsible. Undernourishment and severe food insecurity appear to be increasing across almost all regions of Africa, as well as in many parts of South America. In Asia, hunger levels have remained stable. But climate change is making its impact on the human population.

Infographic: Extreme Weather Reverses Progress In Tackling Hunger | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

Return of Refcam?

Remember when the NFL experimented with cameras on their refs? Well it seems this idea is making a comeback, thanks to improved tech. It’s already a mainstay in Australia’s National Rugby League and the CFL & AFL, and US sports networks are constantly looking to reinvent their productions. Leagues wanting to do more refcam or off-angles are hoping it’ll attract younger views. An odd choice, considering younger viewers are most likely gamers and sports games are always best played from the aerial view.


Why it matters to you: No relief in sight on NLRB Joint Employer Policy

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has once again thrown shade over any clarity hoped for on the Joint Employer Policy they will be enforcing. This is the Obama-era rule that the Trump Administration is attempting to roll back. The new policy says that a franchisee and franchisor are joint employers if, and only if, it “possesses and exercises substantial, direct and immediate control over the essential terms and conditions of employment, and has done so in a manner that is not limited and routine. Indirect influence and contractual reservations of authority would no longer be sufficient to establish a joint-employer relationship.” 

This may be a time when the Trump Administration has it right. The idea that a franchisor can know every practice engaged by a franchisee is silly. Sure, franchisors have the power of the franchise agreement, but that doesn’t cover behavior, bad managers and HR lapses. The very concept of franchising is to give independent entrepreneurial individuals a way to succeed within a structured environment, but with autonomy to manage their own businesses.

There seems no doubt this will be litigated over the next few months, so clouds still cover this issue. For the time being operators should be aware there is little definition available about this important legal status and until it’s resolved you should consider yourself exposed to a joint employer suit.

[Source: NRN]


Why it matters to you: Creating space for events is a winner for growing your business

We often hear our subscribers complain that no amount of marketing actually drives in more business. Their frustration is built on the very real problem of connecting efforts to actual sales. Well, there is a solution in the world of marketing that doesn’t include top line growth you can tie directly to your efforts -- events and catering! Most operators don’t have the luxury of a private room, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take some steps to create a space that is suitable for guests to reserve and access for their special events.

This is more than the occasional draft party. We’re talking showers, birthday parties, corporate events and meetings. This is a winning strategy to build traffic, introduce your restaurant to more new folks, and stay busy when things can be a bit variable. You have to be creative and might even need to improve your facility a bit to accommodate it. The upside is any money you invest you can see exactly what it returns by tracking the events you book. Also, event services lead to outside catering opportunities and better community engagement. Sure sounds like a winner to us.

[Source: Food News Source]

