The Daily Rail: Should Restaurants Add a Retail Component? — The Rail

The Daily Rail: Should Restaurants Add a Retail Component?

ENTERTAINMENT: Top 10 Terrible Predictions of Technology [Presented by CHIVE TV]

CHIVE TV streams the best in viral content from around the web -- whether that includes fails, funny videos, extreme and daring feats, or clips that make you say, "That's cool!" We've been sharing a small sampling of our best and newest clips from week to week, and we're sharing trivia and fun facts this week. Not only do we license and curate this type of content from time to time, but we've put together custom trivia collections for advertisers as well. As always, CHIVE TV is FREE for bar and restaurant owners. Sign up to get it set up today!


The Biggest Game on Earth?

As the following chart illustrates, the 2014 FIFA World Cup Final between Germany and Argentina was watched by 562 million people on average during the 120 minutes of play. Nearly 700 million people watched at least 20 minutes of the game at home and more than a billion watched it at home or at a public place. No other single sporting contest comes close to the reach of the World Cup Final. Even the Super Bowl, maybe the biggest event from an American point of view, pales in comparison to the World Cup Final’s global appeal.

Infographic: The Biggest Game on Earth? | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

Ramsay vs. Colbert

We’ve seen the epic rap showdown between Gordon Ramsay and Julia Child. Now we see Ramsay take on late-night talk-show host Stephen Colbert – and Colbert’s unfortunate cooking. “It looks like someone’s puked in that,” Ramsay says at one point. That’s appetizing. Maybe Colbert should stick to comedy.

D.C. to Overturn Tipped Min Wage Vote?

Local Washington D.C. council members have introduced a bill to repeal residents’ vote to eliminate the lower tipped minimum wage that passed 55% to 45% in their recent election. Because there’s no better idea than overturning your constituents’ vote.


Why it matters to you: Your opinion matters and that can sometime be a problem.

If you are a Papa John’s franchisee, founder John Schnatter and his shenanigan’s will have you seeing red again. ICYMI, Schnatter used the N-word during a conference call with an agency tasked with dealing with his already battered bigoted image. While the word was not used against an individual, it just shows how completely obtuse the guy is and what a magnet for bad publicity he remains. Of course, the company dumped him as chairman, just as they dumped him for his dumb comments about the NFL protests hurting his business last winter.

While most of you are unlikely to be in the position Schnatter finds himself, you have to remember that people are definitely listening to you. Sure our restaurants are gathering places where guests test and share their own opinions, but you don’t have to participate. We aren’t suggesting that you don’t have opinions, just that you consider the value in sharing them. In the current political climate, you are likely to anger someone and bring negative attention to your restaurant. Whether, you are considering chucking a Trump Administration official from your joint or you think liberals are being snowflakes, you just don’t stand to win on this. Sure, it’s the safe bet to keep your opinions to yourself, but that doesn’t mean it’s the wrong bet.


Why it matters to you: Is adding a retail component to your sales mix a good idea?

If you are like many of our subscribers, then you have seen sales stay flat as costs rise and you are wondering how to stem the tide. Happy Hour, delivery, adding brunch or outdoor dining are all ways our members have driven new sales over the past few years. They are all solid options, but have you considered adding retail to your location? Visit any Cracker Barrel or Hard Rock Café and you are met with a barrage of retail offerings that interest guests and can add incremental sales to your guest’s spending.

Think in terms of your theme to start. Sports-themed operators can add licensed clothing from their local teams or memorabilia. If you are more food focused than experience, offer locally sourced items that you can also feature on your menu. A professionally curated retail space allows you to better leverage the square footage you pay for and potentially grow sales. You don’t have to go it alone here. Find a local retailer that might be interested in partnering. Even if they just pay you a percentage of their take, you will see new revenue. With today’s business climate requiring out the box thinking, retail sure seems like a viable option.

