The Daily Rail: A Lease is a Restaurant's Right to Operate, Negotiate it with Care — The Rail

The Daily Rail: A Lease is a Restaurant's Right to Operate, Negotiate it with Care

RECIPE: How to Make Sweet Chili & Honey Garlic Glaze Wings [Sponsored Recipe]

When we’re talking about building a great chicken wing portfolio, let’s not forget about your vegetarian guests. Just because they go sans-meat doesn’t mean they don’t deserve to enjoy the mouth-watering flavors your kitchen puts out. The Sweet Chili & Honey Garlic Glaze is aimed directly for your vegetarian guests. But don’t worry; this flavor profile works just as well with your traditional chicken wing.


“Trash, White”

A Michigan pizzeria has apologized to customers after a server called them “white trash” on their receipt. The guest uploaded the photo where it went viral pretty quickly. The pizzeria also refunded the entire order. This happens more often than we like and, quite honestly, you’re too busy to have to deal with dumb stuff like this. Make sure you can trust your staff not to embarrass you with these type of incidents.

Most Dangerous Countries for Journalists

The most high-profile killing this year was undoubtedly the murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in October. The brutal killing caused a wave of uproar in the west and fueled a major political crisis between the Saudis and the wider international community. Meanwhile the war in Afghanistan has continued to rage and it remains the most dangerous country for journalists. So far this year, 13 journalists have been killed there, the highest number in any year since CPJ started keeping track.

Infographic: The Deadliest Countries For Journalists In 2018 | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

Florida Man Tries to Pay for McD’s with Weed

Listen, we understand getting the munchies after toking up, but trying to pay for your “Happy Meal” with marijuana just seems like a bad trade. And yet, here we have Florida-Man-of-the-Week doing just that. The McDonald’s employee declined and then the kid drove off. The cops were called and then tracked the guy for skipping out on his tab.


Why it matters to you: Your lease is your right to operate, negotiate it with care.

If you want to grow or even just stay where you are, you are going to have to negotiate a lease at some point. This primer from FSRMagazine covers most of the major opportunities to build a great lease for your business. If you are opening a new restaurant location, the first tip is to require flexibility on your opening date with your landlord. This way you can respond if you have a construction delay or licensing issue. Another suggests you reserve the right to end a lease after the holidays. So if your lease is set to end on September 30th, demand a right to extend for 90 days before vacating. This way you collect the holiday sales boost as you end your lease term.

Additionally, the primer recommends you take control of maintenance where you can. This way you control when things get fixed, not your landlord. This will come in handy if your landlord ends up being a bit resistant to keeping up their own property, because you can deduct it from your rent. But the best advice is the care encouraged when negotiating your common area maintenance (CAM) expenses. If you don’t have a standalone facility, you have to pay the expenses associated with shared space. These can get quite onerous and demands your attention. Define specifically what CAMs you will accept and require the landlord provide you with itemized expenses, so you can resist those that you are specifically required under your lease. Bottom line: your lease is your business’s right to operate, so be thoughtful and fight for the best circumstances you can secure.

[Source: FSRMagazinge]


Why it matters to you: Lab grown meat is improving, but would you serve it?

Ok, so do you think the concept of lab grown meat is gross? It’s ok to admit it, but it’s not ok to ignore it. The companies developing lab grown alternatives to meat have already created a credible burger and bacon as well as an Israeli company has announced lab grown steak. Alright, so the first steak costs about $300,000, but it actually has a similar texture to real beef and the juices to complement it.  Obviously, it’s cheaper to continue to farm meat, but that simply isn’t sustainable if you care about the impact animal farming is having on our environment.

A major study has found that in order to keep our global temperatures down we have to dramatically decrease our consumption of most meats. Experts believe without a 90% reduction of meat consumption in western countries and a supplement of vegetable fruits we will not be able to combat the serious climate changes we are already experiencing. While the urgency is real, a switch to lab grown meat may never happen. So, would you offer a lab grown meat product on your menu? Is it any less weird than the eating other processed foods? How will your guests respond? If you have thoughts on any of these questions, we’d love to hear about them in the comments section below.

[Source: GrubStreet]

