The Daily Rail: What are You Doing to Attract Millennial Parents to Your Restaurants? — The Rail

The Daily Rail: What are You Doing to Attract Millennial Parents to Your Restaurants?

FOOD: It’s Time for Crispy Fries that Really Deliver [Presented by Lamb Weston]

New Crispy on Delivery fries from Lamb Weston stay crispy up to 30 minutes with the innovative fry cup. This fry cup, along with our revolutionary coating and store-to-door training, helps Crispy on Delivery fries go the extra mile. Learn more at


What Would You Do for the Last Ribs?

Would you stab your brother? An Iowan man would and did, in fact. Police reported to a call in which an Iowan man confessed to stabbing his brother with a pocket knife over an argument on who ate the last of the ribs. His brother decided not to press charges. Families, right?

Bezos Bumps Pay Up

While Amazon raised wages for their full time and seasonal employees, the federal minimum wage in the United States ranks much lower when compared to the median yearly income for workers in the U.S. Amazon's move to hike wages puts the organization in the company of countries like Germany and Canada when it comes to worker pay.

Infographic: Amazon's Wages Rise, While U.S. Lags Behind | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

Use Them or Lose Them?

A recent Ipsos survey gauged the countries where workers are most likely to use up all of their vacation days in 2018. Depending on the country and the company, many employees do not have the flexibility or comfort of being able to take their vacation days into 2019, meaning any time left over this year will become void. Saudi Arabia is the country where people are most likely to use up all of their days off, according to Ipsos, with 81% of those polled agreeing that they will use all their time by the end of the year. In the U.S. the picture is different with only 58% of those polled saying they will manage to use all of their vacation time before 2018 comes to a close.

Infographic: Where Workers Are Most Likely To Use Their Vacation Days | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista


Why it matters to you: Check out the new parenting generation, they’re in your dining room. 

As the Millennial generation ages and the upper limit in the group is approaching 40, it’s interesting to see them transition into the parental roles. It’s now Millennials that are chasing their children through your dining room at 5:30 on a Thursday. Having come of age in the new millennium, they aren’t just the first generation to be raised with rampant access to technology, especially the Internet. Millennials are also the first generation raised on the restaurant as a utility and not a luxury. Their Baby Boomer parents created the phenomenon, but their Millennial kids have seen it reach a much higher level.

That’s why you should consider the audience as a part of your overall marketing approach. What do Millennials like? Fresh, local, organic or natural with an expectation of affordability. And now they are feeding their own children. Maybe the answer is kid’s meals made for a Millennial’s baby. It might not be enough that your family friendly and fun, adding a healthy kids menu could clinch the deal. Either way, it’s funny to think of those pesky Gen Y’ers who were too busy playing video games and eating orange slices to amount to anything now raising families. Yet, there they are in your dining room at 5 o’clock. Be kind, they just want someone else to cook and they picked you! 

[Source: MSN]


Why it matters to you: Kindness matters and this server proved it.

You won’t likely find anyone in our industry that doesn’t believe in delivering service above expectations is a great way to succeed. While many of us aspire to go the extra mile for a guest, how many of you have ever been a baby whisperer? I’d bet more than a few. This is the best part of our humanity in a restaurant. We are the people we serve and, if we remember that, it’s easier to serve them. That’s exactly what a server at Olive Garden did for a guest recently.

The guest’s baby was fussy and the parent was readying to leave. But the server wouldn’t have it. Instead she offered to feed the guest’s 18-month-old daughter, so mom could eat her meal. Well you can imagine the gratitude and warmth of the whole episode. It’s great. It’s extraordinary, but it’s not out of the ordinary. We are doing this every day, everywhere in our restaurants. It’s just nice to know that people appreciate it, because they do, as the mom in the store proved. 

[Source: MSN]

