The Daily Rail: The Best Bar Bro Types — The Rail

The Daily Rail: The Best Bar Bro Types

Monday, March 6, 2017


Today's Specials: 


HACK: Create team goals that are people oriented not financial oriented [Restaurant Hacks]

By tying goals to people outcomes and not financial goals, managers will be creating goals that are relatable and attainable for their staff.




It’s All About the Chicken

When it comes to chicken, your guests have some strong opinions. According to Technomic, 50% of the want to customize the preparation style of the chicken they order, while 45% believe strongly that you should offer more diverse ethnic preparations for the chicken you serve. It might be time to review your menu and add some new flavor combos to that same old chicken you’ve been serving.


$500 Per Text?

That’s what a litigant is asking from Papa John’s because he claims they texted him tooooo much. Jonathon Anozie also claimed he replied to their texts with a STOP, but the texts just kept on coming. Sure texting is a powerful marketing channel, but too much texting can piss off your guests. Don’t set up robo-texts or you might end up like Papa John’s and Facebook.


Best Bar Bro Types

Boys will be boys, and that can lead to the occasional cliché. This list of 16 typical Bar Bros will feel familiar to many of you. Can you spot the ones that are residents of your joint? Did they miss any? Let us know in the comments below.


Tales of the “Black Face.”

Why it matters to you: Our industry has always been inclusive, or so we think.

If you aren’t familiar, Tales of the Cocktail, it’s an annual event that celebrates the special place that spirits hold in our business. It’s a high-profile gathering that recognizes the best of mixology in our industry and does so in the city best suited to host it, New Orleans. As it turns out the presenters of Tales of the Cocktail were enjoying another New Orleans celebration, a little thing they call Mardi Gras. For the occasion, one of the organizers, Ann Tuennerman, participated in a parade ‘krewe’ wearing, of all things, black face.

As you can imagine this ignited a fire storm with industry folks dedicated to diversity. Tuennerman issued a heartfelt apology, but some didn’t think it was enough. Racism, misogyny, and xenophobia are no strangers to our industry and for a leader in our business to be that insensitive seems incomprehensible. Consequently, Tuennerman has agreed to join Ashtin Berry, a New Orleans Bartender on a Facebook live broadcast to air out some things. We think that is a fantastic idea and encourage all of you to tune in today, Monday, March 6th at 3pm EST.



Why it matters to you: Why closing on Sunday is great for Chick-Fil-A’s business

When the first Chick-Fil-A opened in 1967, Truett Cathy had already decided Sunday’s were a day of rest for staff and himself. Many have speculated that Cathy’s religious beliefs are the main thrust behind this dogmatic rule of Sunday’s off. As with all stories, the truth is a little less clear. While the Cathy’s are known to lean right politically, they also employ an incredibly diverse population of beliefs on their staff. Ironically, they claim the day off is actually good for business and the results certainly support them.

While other quick-service concepts have seen sales fluctuations and declines, Chick-Fil-A continues its meteoric rise in sales and guest service marks. In fact, they point out that the mandatory day off is a recruiting tool that attracts a higher quality employee. By defining the work-life balance with carved out family/personal time, Chick-Fil-A has proven they can have their chicken and eat it too.

