The Daily Rail: Managing Restaurant Success within the Neighborhood — The Rail

The Daily Rail: Managing Restaurant Success within the Neighborhood

Friday, February 10, 2017


Today's Specials: 


SOCIAL MEDIA: Effective Ways Restaurants Can Use Facebook Pages

Don’t go through life looking like an amateur. Here's a quick overview on how restaurants can leverage Facebook Pages, including setup, performance analysis & optimization.


VIDEO: Do Friends of the Manager Really Get Better Treatment? [How Hollywood Sees Us]

When you think classic ‘80s movies, you don’t have to work too hard to get to the Blues Brothers. This scene comes as they are recruiting their friends back into the band.




Best Beer for Perfect Beer Batter

We know some of you love to offer some beer battered menu items. If you’re looking to mix it up a little, here’s a nice list of the best beer to use for beer batter – depending on taste and texture you’re aiming for.

Everything is Awesome!!!

A huge Lego fan has opened up a Lego-themed restaurant called Brick Burger. And yep, all the hamburger buns look like Legos. We hope they’re delicious but we know they’re softer to step on. Check it out!


The Brown Bag Effect

Why did restaurants have a poor year last year? Because more Americans opted to bring lunch into work than eat out. It’s called the Brown Bag Effect and it has hit casual dining restaurants the hardest. The good news is that those who did eat out spent 2% more than the previous year.




Why it matters to you: your restaurant’s brand relies on your employees.

The past few weeks have been a difficult time for immigrants, so Starbucks is here to help. Starbucks is offering free legal advice to any of their baristas affected by the president’s recent travel ban. On Monday, Starbucks announced that they have created a “Global Mobility and Immigration team,” staffed by legal professionals at Ernst & Young, to help employees and their families “navigate immigration issues and get answers in these uncertain times.”   

Whether you’re in support of the travel ban or not, Starbucks has gone above and beyond to help their employees through a wealth of issues. More specifically, they are helping to create a more sustainable life for their staff based on their multiple benefits and leave policies contributing to a healthier work environment. They understand that their brand relies on their employees, which is an aspect that many restaurant operators can learn from.   



Why it matters to you: Sometimes restaurants close, but don’t take it personally

Certain facts of life in our industry are inescapable. People come and go, the business is really hard and sometimes a restaurant fails. Any of those truths can turn you off to our industry pretty darn quickly. Consequently, we believe success in our industry requires a thick skin. Even if you fail, you have to shake it off and move forward as quickly as possible.

You can never forget that a high percentage of restaurants close annually and if yours was among them, it’s not just about you. The work you do matters and our industry couldn’t succeed without people who take chance. The good news is that most restaurants don’t fail and the work you to make that the case. Keep putting up the good fight and you’ll find your way in our business.



Why it matters to you: Balancing widespread success at a neighborhood restaurant is tough.

Grubstreet recently did an interview with chef-owner of critically acclaimed Olmsted in Brooklyn. Olmsted has received high praise-garnering visitors from all over the country. However, they still cater to local residents and regulars. How do they manage?

Appealing to those visiting because of the buzz as well as local residents is about knowing their guests. They keep the menu, “approachable, un-intimidating, and as neighborhood-friendly as possible.” They also have walk-in only nights and take no reservations. That way, locals feel like they can still and always walk-in, preserving the neighborhood feel. How will you use this recipe for success?



