The Daily Rail: How Many of These Things Will Happen at Your Restaurant on Valentine’s Day? — The Rail

The Daily Rail: How Many of These Things Will Happen at Your Restaurant on Valentine’s Day?

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Today's Specials:


VIDEOS: The Internet's Most Epic Beer Videos

We've found a collection of videos of people taking their love for beer and drinking games to the next level as well as some epic beer fails. Maybe your social media followers would get a good kick out of these.

MARKETING: Improving the Dining Experience with Marketing Tactics

Restaurant marketing doesn't end when guests sits down. It continues through the whole meal, improving the restaurant dining experience.




A Love Lost… on BK’s Instagram?

There’s a crazy story going around about a couple breaking up on a Burger King Instagram post. It starts with one user complaining about “his girl” taking too long to order and the fellow’s girlfriend replying not remembering being taken to BK for a meal anytime recently. Oops! Of course, some people think it’s just a marketing ploy. You can follow the break-up in the comments of this pic.

Be the breakfast you wish to see in the world. #Repost @edgar4president

A photo posted by Burger King (@burgerking) on

And We’re Live!

When Twitter acquired Periscope in 2015, the possibility to stream live video from and to your phone was a real innovation. At the time of the acquisition, Periscope hadn’t even launched yet and when it did. Two years later, it can safely be said that the company was right in betting on live video. The only problem is: everyone else is doing it as well. Here are the top streaming services.

Infographic: The State of Live Video Streaming | Statista


University Students Recreate 5,000-Year-Old Beer

Archeology students at Stanford University will embark to create beer from a 5,000 old recipe. It sounds cool until you realize that beer back then had more of a porridge consistency and needed to be drank through a straw to skip the chunky bits. Yum, right? Still, we’d give it a taste.



Why it matters to you: Valentine’s Day is literally the worst.

Today is Valentine’s Day, and even though it’s a Tuesday it’s pretty much one of the best and worst days to be a bartender or server in the industry. The Bitchy Waiter put together a list of ten things that someone in your staff is bound to encounter or be a victim of. Below are our favorites. You can read the rest of the list here.

Number one on the list, an engagement ring in food, because engagement rings in champagne flutes is sooo 2016…Heart shaped food, gag, enough said. People will show up forgetting it’s Valentine’s Day and will be pissed that it’s crowded on a Tuesday. Single men and women will get wasted at the bar lamenting that the only one who loves them is their cat. Good luck bartenders of America and happy Valentine’s Day!



Why it matters to you: Google Maps’ new list feature can be a great marketing tool.

Ever wonder whether guests will recommend your restaurant after they leave? Well yesterday, Google Maps introduced a new “list” feature that makes the recommendation process much easier. Google Maps now allows users to make collections of their favorite restaurants which can be shared virtually. Users can star, save and share establishments that they’ve enjoyed as well as places that are on their bucket list; similar to your favorite Spotify playlist.    

This is a great tool for the restaurant industry in multiple ways. Not only does it become much easier in terms of marketing via word-of-mouth, but you can also recommend your guests add your establishment to one of their preexisting lists. If they haven’t heard of the new feature, teach them! They’ll appreciate the time you spent familiarizing them with the local area while also giving your restaurant some good PR.  



Why it matters to you: Embracing improved animal welfare standards is good for business

What do Chipotle, Panera, Starbucks, Shake Shack and Pret A Manger have in common? Within the last year, they have all embraced using only chickens raised according to standards set by the international certification program, Global Animal Partnership (GAP). These standards cover everything from access to light, sufficient water, cages and use of antibiotics. They also address the breeds best suited better outcomes like lower rates of disease, injury, and death.

We now know that consumers are voting with their wallets and demanding these improved animal welfare standards. In fact, by listening to the consumer brands like Chipotle have made these changes and seen positive consumer impressions. Consider Qdoba, a Chipotle competitor. They are shutting down stores and struggling. They have refused to adhere to a policy of animal welfare standards. Given Chipotle’s struggles over the past 18 months, Qdoba was uniquely position to take advantage and instead they are in trouble. What better proof do you need that giving consumers what they want is the only path to success?

