The Daily Rail: When Was the Last Time You Reviewed Your Restaurant's Website? — The Rail

The Daily Rail: When Was the Last Time You Reviewed Your Restaurant's Website?

STAFF: #MeToo: How I Failed Women in the Restaurant Industry

The explosion of the #MeToo movement and the resignation of politicians & restaurant operators alike has gotten a lot of us thinking (rightfully so). Most of us have failed women in the restaurant industry. Question is: what are we willing to do to make it right?


Brotherly Love

Video is making the round of the Internet of a little brother sticking up for his big sister. The young girl was competing in an organized wrestling match. Little bro didn’t like seeing his sister being pushed around and ran to the rescue.

A Politically Neutral Issue

It’s a miracle, but we’ve found common ground between liberals and conservatives – net neutrality. Americans across all political leanings are in favor of net neutrality.

Infographic: A Rare Occurrence: Bipartisan Support for Net Neutrality | Statista You will find more statistics at Statista

Supermedia Gets Bigger

Disney has officially announced the purchase of 21st Century Fox for an estimated $52.4 billion, and there are a lots of implications. Comic fans will love that Marvel/Disney now gets the rights back to franchises like the X-Men and Fantastic Four. They also announced they’re launching an ESPN over-the-top streaming service in 2018, and a 30% stake in Hulu.


Why it matters to you: If you want to change your results, ask yourself a question.

Did you know that only 8% of people that make a New Year’s resolution actually accomplish it? Sad, but true. Psychologists believe that we fail because we make a declarative that offers no guidance on how to achieve our goals.

They suggest that by stating “I will lose 15lbs” we don’t allow ourselves any roadmap to success. Alternatively, they suggest you ask yourself a question like “How will I lose 15lbs after the New Year?” This naturally allows you to manage the change you seek instead of leaving you with a goal and not directions.

This is a terrific allegory for good management and goal setting. Too often we deliver proclamations to our teams, but we don’t provide them with the real guidance they need to succeed. Start by reframing your goals into questions. It’s simply good leadership, even if you are only leading yourself to a preferred goal. However, it’s also relevant to managing your team. By asking the question, you include folks in your goals and they too will be connected to the outcome. So, for 2018 make a New Year’s “Questolution” that changes your life.


Why it matters to you: It’s always time to review your website. 

With so much focus on social media, many restaurant operators neglect their most powerful marketing tools: their own website. Having a great website tells a guest several things at once about your business. Initially the guest is shown that your restaurant is organized, has professionals running it, and that you value delivering them a vision of what their experience will be like when they visit. Beyond that, guests can meet your team, access your menu, make a reservation or check out upcoming events. If your site is doing all that well, then you are ahead of the curve for our industry.

While we aren’t here to tell you what to value, we do think your guests are able to do that for you. Have you ever asked a guest what they thought of your website? The irony is that if they say they’ve never seen it, then you are likely not promoting it well enough. However, if they have, you can rely on their feedback to help you craft your website to their preference. By reading this short article, we believe any of you will see your site differently and be ready to make it more effective in encouraging guests to visit.

