The Daily Rail: Can You Brew Beer on the Moon? — The Rail

The Daily Rail: Can You Brew Beer on the Moon?

Thursday, January 26, 2017


Today's Specials: 


BUSINESS: Ming Tsai's Food Allergy Reference System is Your Staff's New Best Friend

Ever heard of the Ming Tsai's Food Allergy Reference System? It'll make managing food-related allergies at your restaurant easy for your entire staff and keep your guests healthy.


LIST: Four Reasons Why Tipping Sucks

The practice of tipping has come under scrutiny in the past few years. With industry leaders like Danny Meyer instituting change in their own establishments, it seems change may be on the horizon. See for yourself how tipping is failing everyone.





Can You Brew Beer on the Moon?

Science is gonna find out. A team of students are competing to send an experiment to the moon to find out if we can, in fact, brew beer on the moon. It all comes down to if yeast can survive long enough to ferment the beer. Learn more about the student’s space brewery invention.

VIDEO: Crazy Trick Shot

Is this the craziest pool trick shot of all time? It’s gotta be up there.


INFOGRAPHIC: The Biggest Binge Drinking States

This statistic represents the percentage of binge in the United States of America as of 2016, in the last 30 days by state. As of that year, 15.9 percent of adults in Texas consumed more than 4 (women) or 5 (men) alcoholic beverages on a single occasion within the preceding 30 days. Where does your state rank?



Why it matters to you: how can the latest trends boost your profit?

It’s no secret that many restaurants have found popularity on Instagram and are using it as a force to drive marketing and design decisions. One Minneapolis establishment noticed one major problem upon opening; it wasn’t going to look good on people’s Instagram posts! The owners then decide to redesign the restaurant with social media photography tips in mind in an effort to boost sales.  

Some may argue that redesigning a restaurant based on what could be a short-lived trend is a mistake, but many believe that tailoring a restaurant to Instagram is a great way to attract new customers. After the redesign process, the Minnesota restaurant did see an improvement in customer growth. So apparently some trends do pay off in the long term!



Why it matters to you: Consider how this business model is disrupting the industry.

Online food ordering is growing, and it’s growing at a rate that deserves notice. Many restaurants are starting without a store front, or front of house staff. Removing overhead like customer facing staff, space for seating, and dining décor means a huge boost to profit margins, largely because of cheaper rent. There’s one restaurant group, Green Summit Group that’s taken the idea and run with it, with great success.

In addition to the lowered cost of maintaining the business, there’s another benefit, versatility. No storefront means an ability to easily test menu items quickly and use sales numbers to drive business strategy. One startup is even experimenting with licensing recipes from restaurants with limited delivery options. These innovations are bringing profitability back into the industry.



Why it matters to you:  Nurturing over half your staff as future leaders is good for business.s

The Bureau of Labor Statistics claims that 54% of all restaurant/bar employees are women, but only 34% of managers are female. One has to wonder why that is the case. There is one person who isn’t wondering and instead is doing something about it.  Meet Randi Weinstein organizer of the first-ever FAB Conference for Women in the Hospitality Industry. Previously Ms. Weinstein has served as the Director of Events for Charleston Wine + Food and more recently at an organization that gave scholarships to women that wanted to pursue careers in food service.

With her latest project, Ms. Weinstein is delivering a tremendous roster of talented women from the world of restaurants to inform and inspire other women considering or navigating our industry. Scheduled speakers include chefs like Boston’s trailblazing and award-winning Barbara Lynch; Brooklyn’s popular Missy Robbins (Lilia); and Nashville’s noteworthy Maneet Chauhan (Chauhan Ale & Masala House). However, the agenda also includes a wide spectrum of experts to present ideas on issues ranging from labor law to real estate. If you have women on your staff that are rising stars in the business, then share this with them and watch them take their rightful place leading our industry.

