The Daily Rail: Restaurants Do Good this Holiday Season — The Rail

The Daily Rail: Restaurants Do Good this Holiday Season

Thursday, December 22, 2016



Today's Specials:



OPERATIONS: How Great Schedules Reduce Turnover & Increase Profit

Restaurant turnover costs are astronomical and a lot of times staff leaves because of subpart scheduling. Here's how creating a strong schedule can improve morale, keep turnover down, and boost your bottom line.


LIST: Six Steps to Being a Better Restaurant Manager

It really doesn't matter how long you've been in a position, what matters is what you bring to the table. And with New Years right around the corner, we figured we'd include a list to help you commit to something worthwhile, becoming a better you. Whether you're the GM or the bar manager, these tips will make you more valuable to your establishment and the people you manage.







Meet the “Mayor” of Dunkins

As residents of Boston, we can attest this Dunkin Donuts commercial parody is 100% legitimately accurate.

Meet Donny (Casey Affleck), a real Dunkin Donuts customer. Get more SNL: Full Episodes: Like SNL: Follow SNL: SNL Tumblr: SNL Instagram: SNL Pinterest: Get more SNL on Hulu:


Chicago: Eat, Drink & “Be Murray”

Bill Murray and his five brothers have proposed to open a Murray Bros. Caddyshack restaurant in Chicago as early as next summer. The theme is a “country club gone awry” with plenty of Caddyshack movie references to boot.


Burglar Goes Bananas

A New York burglar broke into a Long Island restaurant and was caught on film eating a dozen bananas. After that, he urinated in a garbage can before passing out on the floor. He woke and left before staff arrived the next day, but cops had no issues finding the man (he left his driver’s license behind). If you think that’s crazy, you also need to check out the diner who attempted to dine-and-dash in front of four cops in an IHOP.

This New York bandit seriously went bananas. After a thief broke into Long Island restaurant "Sexy Salad" at about 1:45 a.m. Saturday morning, he was caught on surveillance footage helping himself to nearly a dozen bananas. The man then proceeded to urinate in a garbage can before falling asleep on the floor, according to a statement released by the Suffolk County Police Department.





Why it matters to you: Are you doing your part for the community AND the environment?

San Francisco restaurants are tackling climate change head on. Within SanFran, big names in the restaurant industry are moving toward a climate change solution. Common in many of these restaurants include farm-raised beef (which uses compost to enhance carbon sequestration), in addition to incorporating their eco-friendly ingredients.  Crunchy Kernza bread has become increasingly common, a grain that draws carbon out of the air and stores it in the ground. Their ingredients not only reduce restaurant’s carbon footprint, it also works to slow climate change.

San Francisco isn’t the only city that’s taking environmental responsibility. Multiple Missouri restaurants have partnered with their local community garden in West Plains. These restaurants will essentially donate their kitchen waste to the local garden to use for compost. The garden officials say this will help improve the soil and benefit earthworms in the newly framed garden beds. These environmental efforts have created a drastic reduction in food waste as well as overall carbon footprint. Hello purpose economy!



Why it matters to you: What if all you had was gone in a blink of an eye?

Unless you live under a rock, you’ve probably heard about the devastation that has been ongoing in Syria. One restaurant in Aleppo has highlighted the extent of the destruction of the formerly beautiful city in a series of before and after photos. The difference is shocking.

While some families have managed to escape, many have not and are still buried beneath the remains of the formerly magnificent metropolis. If you’re thinking about making a difference this holiday season, consider this list of ways to help Syrian refugees.



Why it matters to you: Doing good deeds is always in season.

Our restaurants are also community centers. People’s lives revolve around your business in ways we sometimes can’t anticipate. As Christmas approaches, we are happy to share three separate feel good stories that prove our restaurant communities are special places. Let’s start with the Corpus Christi restaurant owner who paid his employees during a city-wide shut down. Bill Sissamis owner of Silverado Smokehouse was under no legal obligation to pay his staff while the restaurant was closed due to a recent water ban. This owner appreciated how valuable that money was to his staff and did something noble to address it. But our feel good restaurant stories don’t end there.

In Phoenix, a couple left a $900 tip on a $61 check for a server who was both nine months pregnant and facing her fiancé having surgery. The couple left a note on the check that said, “This is God’s money and he gave it to us so we could give it to you.” Even if you are aren’t spiritual yourself, you can’t help but admire the spirit these folks showed. Then finally we have the Chik-Fil-A cashier who was in an automobile accident but couldn’t afford time off from work. A customer who knows this young man was so empathetic to the cashier’s dilemma that he started a GoFundMe page that has to date raised over $43k. The best part is that the cashier is known to buy food and give it to homeless people after his shifts. One of the best forms of charity is to help those that help others which this story demonstrates perfectly. What are your feel-good stories this Holiday Season? Please share them so we can enjoy more of this wonderful holiday spirit with you.


