The Daily Rail: Care About Complaints — The Rail

The Daily Rail: Care About Complaints

October 6, 2016


Today's Specials:


LEARN: Six Steps to Selling More at Your Restaurant

Are you doing everything you can to get butts in your seats? Check out this list and basic, “how-to” to create excitement about your food and drink specials and build a huge line at your door! 


READ:  Ways Your Staff is Stealing and How It’s Your Fault

One of the most frustrating truths in our industry is you are exposed to theft from your staff. Nobody likes to talk about it, but if you don’t address it, everyone loses. Let us take you through 5 common types of theft and how you can make it better right now. If you ignore this and allow your team to not be accountable, then it becomes your fault.





The anticipation children feel in advance of a trip to Chuck E. Cheese can make them a little crazy. Turns out the experience of their children enjoying an experience at Chuck E. Cheese can make some parents a little crazy too. On Saturday, a massive brawl erupted at a Miami location of the pizza chain that lasted 10 minutes and required police intervention. Check it out below!


TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD (and do it quickly)

Turns out it really matters that you respond to guest feedback quickly and personally. A recent study conducted by Twitter found that if a business did so to a negative tweet, that 69% of the consumers that shared feedback felt better about the circumstances. This insight works anywhere you can interact with guests. Whether you respond to a frustrated Yelp review or reply to an angry Facebook post, do it quickly and personally. This way you can improve your chances of salvaging a guest.



The statistics on healthy eating prove you need to at least review your menu mix. 33% of consumers say that health is a very important factor in choosing a restaurant. 41% claimed they are likely to substitute a healthy side at a restaurant if they are available and 62 of consumers believe it’s important to eat healthily. So, take a minute and look at the options you offer for sides and your menu’s overall mix of healthy items. There are likely a few changes that will help you leverage the truth of these metrics.




Why it matters to you: Increasingly issues of wage fairness are making the news. You don’t want this publicity.

When the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) knocks, it’s always bad news for restaurant operators. This was especially the case in Austin Texas where an investigation found 500 restaurant workers were eligible for $330K in back wages. The investigation found issues with employees being required to work for tips only, paying straight time for overtime hours worked, making illegal wage deductions for breaks, walkouts, cc fees, etc, among other violations. These types of DOL investigations don’t happen very often, but they almost always end up with this kind of negative publicity for our industry.

Let’s be direct. Beyond the legal and ethical obligation to pay your staff the wages the law requires, there is a moral imperative as well. You make a deal with your staff that you will pay them for their work and when you change that agreement unilaterally, you are guilty of being immoral. If times are tough in your establishment, then be honest with your team.  You will be surprised how they will rally to help. But, if you aren’t able to be profitable by not illegally limiting your staff’s wages then you are likely better off finding a new industry. 



Why it matters to you: There’s always a lesson to be learned from the best. 

The United States’ two top restaurants always manage to keep their seats full and reservation and waiting lists long, so why change a good thing? Chicago’s Alinea and NYC’s Eleven Madison Park have undergone massive renovations more than once this year and are constantly changing their menus. Why mess with a good thing and keep reinventing themselves?

For one, they are providing a reason to come back, something new to try and a new experience to provide. The rest of the restaurant industry is moving towards fast-casual with higher quality ingredients available now at lower price points. While we applaud constantly changing, multi-million dollar renovations aren’t realistic for most independent operators. What’s the take home? Your establishment should be evolving to keep from getting stale, but you don’t have to overdo it.  



Why it matters to you: Maintain your reputation by preparing for the worst. 

As hurricane Matthew hurtles towards Southern Florida, Waffle House gears up to maintain their open 24/7 status. The company is getting ready to stay open and is also planning to get the chain back up and running in the aftermath of the storm. An extensive plan is already in place including vans and RV’s to provide what will be needed to recover from the damage. The message here is two-fold, Waffle House stays open no matter what and it’s a place of refuge by those who will be impacted by the storm.  



