The Daily Rail: Are You Protecting Your Restaurant's Employees? — The Rail

The Daily Rail: Are You Protecting Your Restaurant's Employees?

Monday, June 19, 2017

MARKETING: The Restaurant & Sports Bar Marketer’s Playbook for Football Season

When football season starts, will you be ready? Here are seven marketing plays to leverage the football season to grow your restaurant all year round.

Don’t forget to register for the Football Marketing Bootcamp, our FREE live streaming event on June 27th.


He’s Right: He Doesn’t Always Drink Beer

Jonathan Goldsmith, the original Dos Equis “Most Interesting Man in the World” might’ve been replaced last year, but have no fear. He’s landed anew gig with Astral Tequila. Check the first ad here.

CSPAN Aired Congressional Baseball Game

With the help of the Washington Nationals, CSPAN aired the Congressional Baseball Game on Thursday night. The annual game raises money for local D.C. charities, and this year included on-field interviews. Anything that gets Pelosi and Ryan to play nice with one another is good in our book.

MealConnect Looks to Lower Food Waste

MealConnect is an app that helps streamlines donations from stores and restaurants of food that would normally go to waste. So far the app has facilitated 737,000 pickups and moved more than 333 million pounds of food – enough for 278 million meals.


Why it matters to you: A national apprenticeship program and standards will make talent development far easier for all levels of the industry.

So often when the Department of Labor gives guidance it is a rule that will cost you more money or complicate your business. Consequently, the most recent executive order signed by President Trump identifies the need to develop and foster apprenticeship programs across all industries. Currently, the National Restaurant Association is developing standards for performance and skills to inform a national apprentice program for the restaurant industry.

This type of relevant structure will be valuable even if you don’t choose to participate in an official apprenticeship. Our industry will certainly benefit from clearly defined curriculum for developing managers. For chain operators there has always been an incentive to properly train their staff. However, with an apprentice program, you will now be assured of what skills someone who has gone through it possesses. This makes assessing their value easier and certainly facilitates the development your own team.


Why it matters to you: Are you sure your team isn’t doing this?

A transwoman in Michigan is suing McDonald’s for discrimination and harassment because she was denied access to the regular bathrooms, and bullied by management and staff. The claims include instances where she was groped by staff and had inappropriate questions asked about how she uses the bathroom. Additionally, she accuses the staff of sexually harassing her a well. There is much to unpack from this suit, but in the end it’s simple: How are you managers and staff treating the people that work for you?

If you don’t ask, you’ll never know. Ironically, McDonald’s corporate is using the recent executive guidance on joint employer status to claim they have no liability, but what about the moral question? At some point a manager determined that this woman was a worthy hire for the McDonald’s franchise location. Why would she not be afforded the same respect and decorum that any employee deserves? The answer is because someone at an executive level didn’t value that atmosphere enough to drive it down through their organization. Her trans status is not protection from unfair treatment, but her humanity should be if we are to ever break the cycle of bad outcome when it’s not.

