10 Growth Articles to Share with Your Restaurant's Staff — The Rail

10 Growth Articles to Share with Your Restaurant's Staff

There are many parts to being a true leader in your restaurant. Among the most overlooked is your role as an influencer for your staff. They look to you for insight and direction as pertains to running your restaurant. Even if you are in a chain gig, your team still expects you to give them a clue to your company’s values and goals.

We find information extremely helpful here at The Rail, and we want you to benefit the same way we do. Starting today, we will be providing you with a list of articles every Monday that will hopefully start a conversation with your employees, create awareness around certain issues, and increase overall productivity of your team.

This week we found a collection of articles that discuss key components that can grow your restaurant which include improving leadership, communication, and teamwork. If you think you’re already “all set” in these departments, you may be surprised how some of these easy tips can drastically improve your day-to-day routine.

As an added tip: If you find some of this information as helpful as we did, try forwarding these articles on to your staff email list, or pin printed copies on the bulletin board. It may be helpful for your team can get an idea of how businesses that are constantly evolving are positively impacting everyone involved.


How to Pour the Perfect Drought Beer –Craft Beer Academy

“Never open the tap partially. This will cause over-foaming. The tap should always be in one of two positions, on or off. Never in-between.”

What Makes a Good Bartender? –First We Feast

“We asked nine of the country’s best drink-slingers, who run the bars at a variety of venues for their insights. They delve into the too-often neglected skills their colleagues should possess, call out bullshit shortcuts that need to stop; and delineate which cocktail orders can be used separate the newbs from the vets.”

Bartending Tips: How the Pros Earn $400+ A Night In Tips –Breaking Into Bartending

“There is a fine art to being a big-buck bartender. Some of it is overt, but much of what you do is very subtle” … “Possibly the most important thing you can do is make drinks quickly and accurately. The less time people spend thirsty, the more they’ll tip. And it never hurts to make a stiff drink now and again.”


16 Proven Ways to Increase Your Tip Income –The Penny Hoarder

“Michael Lynn, of the School of Hotel Administration at Cornell University, wrote a research paper reviewing 14 studies of tipping behavior. Although the studies he reviewed focused primarily on restaurant servers, the conclusions may apply to other tipped positions. We’ll go through the strategies one by one, as well as a couple of additional options.”

Server’s Bible: 101 Tips How To Be A Good Restaurant Waiter –POS Sector  

“Rules of good serving are reflections of tradition, culture, and respect to customer and your restaurant profession. The rules are very old and new ones don’t need to be invented. I believe that after reading these simple tips about what you should not do as a waiter you will certainly make your customer and yourself happier.”

35 Things Restaurant Servers Do Wrong –Thrillist

“To help identify the differences between the heroes of the serving world (and the ones who fall short), we consulted experienced (and very honest) servers to fill us in on the things that they notice about their inexperienced coworkers.”


How to Manage Your Restaurant Staff to Get The Best From Your Team –Blue Cart

“Every team must have a manager. Whether that will be you or someone you will hire, a manager needs to meet the particular qualities and skills so he or she can manage restaurant staff and get the best from them.”

Ways to Make Your Restaurant Staff Awesome –The Balance

“Encourage some healthy competition among your wait staff, to see who can get the highest check averages each week or month. If you use comment cards, offer some sort of reward for staff who get good feedback.”


Five Ways to Improve Teamwork in the Workplace –Chron

“…groups can also encounter difficulties: infighting, disagreement about the project's direction and vague objectives are just a few issues that can create contention with even the most skilled teams.”

10 Ways to Build a Strong Team –Inc.

“Implementing highly effective communication practices makes companies 4.5 times more likely to have highly engaged employees and 20 percent more likely to have less employee turnover…”

Have other articles or tips you find helpful? Let us know and we will feature them next week!

