Five Signs the Manager You Hired Sucks — The Rail

Five Signs the Manager You Hired Sucks

Over the past few weeks, we’ve outlined warning signs it’s time to send certain staff members packing. From hosts, to servers to cooks, (we deliberately left out dishwasher because those guys have it tough), they’re more likely to quit than making it long enough to get fired.

We decided the best way to cap off this series was with detailing a manager from hell. Finding decent management material is tough. Despite this, a bad manager can cost you a lot of money -- from lawsuits to crappy staff morale negatively affecting a customer’s experience. Every restaurant position influences an establishment’s ability to boost the bottom line, none more so than management.

Here’s how you know you should fire that assistant manager ASAP.


1.     He’s had more than two grandmas die.

My grandma died gif

Long hours and long weeks are the industry standard for the average restaurant manager. Calling out shouldn’t be. Likewise, showing up to work still drunk is also unacceptable. If your assistant manager is finding creative ways to call in sick to avoid working with a hangover, then you both have a problem. 


2.     He’s using the FoH staff as his dating pool.

Just download Tinder already. We’re joking, sort of. Having a manager hitting on staff opens you up to lawsuits for sexual harassment and worse. It’s morally wrong to use a position of power as coercion, but sadly it happens all the time. If you have any suspicions of malfeasance, investigate early and thoroughly. It could save you time, money and lawyer’s fees.


3.      You can usually find them hiding from customers and staff in the office.

A passive aggressive, or avoidant manager is bad for business. If confronting staff about poor performance or a poor attitude stresses your manager out, then they’re not doing their job. Likewise dealing with customer complaints. The manager’s job is to manage staff and manage customers. A manager that can only do one or neither is dead weight.


4.      They don’t pitch in.

Some managers go from serving to management and seem to think their s**t don’t stink. Basically, they feel they’re above certain tasks like running food to tables or helping the hosts out when the dining room gets crazy busy. Laziness, ego, whatever it is, pitching in is part of the job description. It’s about doing what’s best for the restaurant. So if they’re not helping the staff out, do what’s best for your restaurant and set ‘em free.


5.     They’re inconsistent.

Being a manager is sometimes like parenting. The key to being good at it is consistency. Managers who play favorites or who don’t treat staff fairly are more trouble than they’re worth, especially if a manager’s behavior is affecting retention of quality staff.   


What are some other signs that it’s time to let your manager go? Let us know in the comment section below!


