What Not to Do When You Get Fired [VIDEO] — The Rail

What Not to Do When You Get Fired [VIDEO]

The Restaurant Industry According to Hollywood #33

OMG, while NSFW, this clip is a hysterical take on the hardest conversation in our business: notifying someone of termination. If you didn’t see Melissa McCarthy in this 2014 film, then you don’t know one of her best comedic performances. When it comes to the scene in which she gets fired, she owns it. Having been on the delivery of this news, her reaction portrays the greatest fear of all managers.

Tammy kicks ass and teaches us to never take any shit from anyone :D

Of course, Tammy is an extraordinary employee, so her temper tantrum couldn’t be any other way. The only thing to criticize is that the director didn’t show more of the horrified faces while she was ranting. Other than that, the speech and exit were Oscar Worthy in their believability and hilarity. Discover this gem, it’s both funny and great satire, which rarely happens well together.

