Signs Your Restaurant’s Commercial Refrigerator Needs to be Replaced — The Rail

Signs Your Restaurant’s Commercial Refrigerator Needs to be Replaced

Restaurants, hotels and supermarkets, as well as bakeries, delis and ice cream parlors all depend on commercial refrigerators. A fridge that doesn't work properly can put you and your guests at risk. Fridges can also drain energy, increasing your energy bills and wasting money you could use to improve your service.

Commercial refrigeration relies on properly maintained refrigerators, so it is crucial to recognize when it is time to replace your fridge. Find out here how to take good care of your refrigerator and how to spot the tell-tale signs that it’s faulty.

When & Why You Need to Replace Your Commercial Refrigerator

Infographic: Signs Your Restaurant's Commercial Refrigerator Needs to be Replaced


These five signs indicate that your commercial fridge needs to be replaced:

1. Leakage & Frost Build-up

Water and air leaks are caused by worn-out seals. Frost can build up on your refrigerator or freezer when there is water present, a sign that your appliance is not cooling properly.

Why it’s a problem: Leaks and frost prevent your food from staying fresh and cool, making food spoil early and providing a breeding ground for bacteria, especially where condensation forms.

2. Increase in Energy Costs

Increasing energy costs may indicate a problem with your fridge. Because of factors such as flaws in sealing systems, your fridge's temperature can fluctuate a lot. Changing temperatures within your fridge can increase energy bills.

Why it’s a problem: Suddenly rising temperatures can endanger food. Higher utility bills can also reduce your profits.

3. Loud or Odd Sounds

Only faulty or old refrigerators make noise. A constant clicking noise could mean a problem with the motor or condenser fan. Other loud or sudden odd sounds could also be grounds for concern.

Why it’s a problem: When this happens, the fridge may turn on and off, causing food to spoil.

4. Increasing Repair Costs

When properly maintained, a commercial fridge could last up to 20 years. If your fridge is becoming increasingly prone to breakdowns, it may be on its last legs.

Why it’s a problem: If you need more frequent repairs, replacing your fridge is usually cheaper. Saving on repair costs and energy costs are also benefits. Restaurants should do regular maintenance on their commercial fridge but also realize when it’s time for a new one.

5. Food Spoils Before the Expiry Date

A rotten smell from your refrigerator is a warning sign. Food likely spoils more frequently if your fridge does not cool effectively.

Why it’s important: Food spoils more quickly when it is not properly cooled. This is costly and poses a risk of food poisoning to your customers and guests.

Types of Commercial Refrigerators

It’s best to consider your needs when replacing your fridge and look for the fridge that will be most effective in your environment.

These are the types of commercial fridges:


Keeping food safe and accessible is the goal of these fridges. The fridges provide:

  • More cooling capacity and storage space

  • Compressors mounted on the top or the bottom


Staff can easily find food products at walk-ins. Food products can be stored in them in bulk, with a large area that can be customized. They provide:

  •  Airtight seals and reliable insulation

  • Configurations both standard and custom

Under Counter Refrigeration

These small fridges are designed to fit in tight spaces, including under a counter. Features include:

  •  Outstanding functionality

  • Compact design

  • Cost-effectiveness

1, 2 or 3 Door Cooler

It's a popular choice for delis, bakeries, convenience stores, take-out restaurants and more. Choose what size is right for clients. Options include:

  •  Suitable for storing sealed packages and products

  • Maximum area for storing food

  • With double-paned glass doors and a durable exterior

  • An improved lighting system for your merchandise

Countertop Cooler

Displays of chilled items are often displayed in these refrigerators. These include:

  •  The ideal chilled temperature

  • The perfect display for merchandising

  • Commercial refrigerators that are more energy efficient

There are different types of fridges to suit different areas and business functions.

Energy is a major concern with commercial refrigerators. By using these tips, your fridge will last longer while using less energy.

