ANALYSIS: 3 Ways Atmosphere TV Boosts Restaurants’ Bottom Line — The Rail

ANALYSIS: 3 Ways Atmosphere TV Boosts Restaurants’ Bottom Line

There is a common assertion in marketing, “Your existing customers are the most valuable path to growing your business.” The question is how do you reach them?

One of the most effective ways to communicate with your restaurant’s guests is via in-store digital entertainment. Operators that use digital entertainment have experienced significant traffic increases and improved dwell times. So, when you come upon a product that can show a measurable influence on your guests, it makes sense to consider it.

Let’s use ATMOSPHERE, which owns and operates CHIVE TV, as an example. In a study done by InMarket, operators that installed ATMOSPHERE and stream CHIVE TV experienced three significant outcomes.

Bar Guests Stay Longer, Spend More

ATMOSPHERE’s various entertainment channels deliver the incredible benefit of increasing dwell times by 16%, or almost 20 additional minutes per visit. That is enough time to add a cocktail or dessert to an existing check. The correlation between dwell times and revenue is an established metric operators use to drive top line revenue.

Some estimates have it as high as a 1.3% increase in sales that can be expected for every 1% increase in dwell times.

More is Definitely Better

Collage of some premium TV channels from ATMOSPHERE TV

That’s not where the benefits of digital entertainment end. Locations that installed ATMOSPHERE and streamed CHIVE TV also saw an increase of visits on average of 19% compared to their pre-ATMOSPHERE days. Frequency is one of the three main aims of marketing. Getting a guest to visit more often is a challenging task, but digital entertainment makes that so much easier as it keeps them entertained and well informed.

Whether you are promoting future events or delivering great content that guests want to view again, a system like ATMOSPHERE makes it far easier to entice your guests to visit again and more often.

Finding Your Restaurant a New Audience

The InMarket analysis also measured the number of unique devices that visit over 11,000 different restaurant locations. Installations of ATMOSPHERE found that their locations were seeing a 32% increase in unique devices visiting monthly. That’s an enormous increase in traffic and is the Holy Grail of marketing -- NEW CUSTOMERS. Professional marketers agree enticing a new guest to visit is the most difficult task to accomplish.

And when combined with the fact that locations with ATMOSPHERE see an increase in repeat visits, this is a sweet combo for restaurant operators looking to grow.

The Bottom Line

Anyone that has worked in restaurant marketing knows that there are three main outcomes that marketing is designed to achieve -- increasing guest spending, increasing guest frequency, and increasing new guest visits.

As should be clear from above, operators who have installed ATMOSPHERE and show its content, like CHIVE TV, are experiencing all three of those outcomes in drives.

In the end, your guests visit you to be entertained. Sure, your guests first choice is live sports on TV, but absent that, entertaining content from ATMOSPHERE is a great substitute and supplementation (beats SportsCenter on re-run for hours on end). The traffic increases and the dwell time growth coupled with meeting new clients should be a compelling proof of the value in digital signage like ATMOSPHERE TV and its untraditional content.

