12 Best Reaction Gifs from March Madness — The Rail

12 Best Reaction Gifs from March Madness

We have told you before that reaction videos are a great way to shake up your social media presence and it’s no secret that there have been quite a few upsets with this March Madness season. In honor of all the cheers and disappointments that have been caught on camera, this week we’re featuring the best reaction gifs on the internet from March Madness.

Let us know which one is your favorite!   

1. Just a tad dramatic

2. Classic

manhattan fans - college basketball fan gifs

3. Them Minnesotins... They are really... Dedicated? 

4. When you can't take the stress anymore

nc state fan in agony - college basketball fan gifs

5. No one else seems this excited

6. Too. Many Drugs...

excited villanova fan - college basketball fan gifs

7. Any lip readers here?

unhappy iowa state fan - college basketball fan gifs

8. She really likes... basketball? Actually, she might just be crazy.

excited michigan state band girl - college basketball fan gifs

9. Dance for the ladies watching ;-)

baylor fan - college basketball fan gifs

10. This kid kills it!

sun belt conference fan - college basketball fan gifs

11. Team Teletubbie?

teletubby michigan fan - college basketball fan gifs

And last but not least...

12. Our favorite kid from Northwestern

Have a funny video from your restaurant of fans watching March Madness? Share them in the comments section or email us!

