The Daily Rail: Your Rio 2016 Olympic Schedule — The Rail

The Daily Rail: Your Rio 2016 Olympic Schedule

August 1, 2016

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Why it’s important to you: These Olympics are just plain fascinating.

The Rio Olympics officially kicks off on Friday evening when the Opening Ceremonies begin and the teams march into the brand new stadium. However, events actually begin with live events on Wednesday and Thursday. Click here for a complete schedule of all events. Sorted both by Date-Time and Sport.


There is no debate that these Olympics are must-see TV. This schedule will keep you ready for what is scheduled, but it’s what’s not that is going to be fascinating. For example, the professional security outfit (Artel) hired by Brazilian authorities was has been terminated just one week before the games begin. Among their many failings Artel admitted to only hiring 500 of the estimated 3400 security personnel they were supposed to deliver. This same issue cropped up during the London Olympics in 2012, but was resolved with the help of other armed forces. This is probably just the beginning and it won’t be boring, to be sure!

The Rio Olympics Schedule for sports bars & restaurants


Why it’s important to you: The NFL always avoids public political involvement, but gets Trumped.

In 2015, when the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) set the schedule for the 2016 Presidential events, they hardly expected it would cause any controversy. Enter Donald Trump, who on Sunday accused Hillary Clinton of rigging the debate schedule to coincide with two primetime NFL games. On ABC’s this week, Trump accused Clinton of “want(ing) to be against the NFL” by scheduling the debates to conflict with their schedule.

Then Trump claimed to have received a letter from the NFL “saying it was ridiculous” and they didn’t want to games to conflict with the debate schedule. Here’s the thing: the NFL quickly denied communicating with Donald Trump on the subject in anyway. On Saturday, in a statement emailed to the Guardian, NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy said: “While we would obviously wish the debate commission could find another night, we did not send a letter to Mr. Trump.”

Both the CPD and the Republican National Committee indicated there was room for discussion on how to address the schedule. Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign chair, told Meet the Press, “We’re going to sit down with the commission and talk.” This issue is far from settled. The first debate is scheduled for Monday, September 26th and will overlap with Monday Night Football’s matchup between Atlanta and New Orleans.


Why it’s important to you: What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?

You probably never heard of Luke Aikins before Saturday, but that will certainly change now that he is the first person to ever jump out of plane without a parachute. Yes, you read that correctly, NO PARACHUTE. The 42 year old Aikins is a veteran of 18k successful jumps, but nothing as historic as his jump from 25,000 feet in Simi Valley California. The jump ended by him landing in a specially designed net to dissipate his force and deliver him safely to the ground. Watch this 1:35 second video and see for yourself what really crazy looks like.

