consumer packaged goods (CPG) — Stories — The Rail

consumer packaged goods (CPG)

The Daily Rail: Is Your Restaurant Read to Sell Your Signature Item Directly to Consumers?

The Daily Rail: Is Your Restaurant Read to Sell Your Signature Item Directly to Consumers?

In today’s restaurant news: how to future-proof your restaurant’s business, family friendly restaurants are the only segment currently posed for growth, planning on selling your restaurant’s signature items directly to consumers, and more!



The Daily Rail: Are Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) Your Restaurant's Next Big Revenue Stream?

The Daily Rail: Are Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) Your Restaurant's Next Big Revenue Stream?

In today’s restaurant news: marketing your restaurant’s gameday menu to guests, how to win some good citizen points by teaming up with Stella Artois, why restaurants should look into consumer packaged goods (CPG) and more!

