3 Smart Ways You Can Make Your Restaurant More Eco-Friendly — The Rail

3 Smart Ways You Can Make Your Restaurant More Eco-Friendly

By Briana Hilton, Contributor

Over 50% of consumers within the U.S. say that they are more likely to make a restaurant choice based on eco-friendly practices, according to one 2018 report. When it comes to making positive eco-friendly changes to your own restaurant, however, doing so doesn’t have to be difficult. Whether you’re opening a new establishment or transforming one you’ve had for years, there are many ways to become more eco-friendly.

From making small changes to saving energy in big ways, here are three simple courses of action that can lessen your restaurant’s impact on the environment. 

Minimizing Food Waste & Buying Locally 

Restaurants in the U.S. are estimated to produce around 22 to 33 billion pounds of food waste each year, proving it to be a massive problem nationwide. In order to reduce that number, there are a myriad of ways to tackle the problem within your own establishment. By donating or discounting ready-made food that’s about to go bad (such as pastries), or by making use of food that’s nearing it’s expiration date by adding a new menu item, both are beneficial ideas that can put leftovers to good use. On the other hand, composting any waste that you do have can also be beneficial to the environment as well, and can be used as fertilizer for any decorative landscaping you may have outside of your establishment.

Another way to lessen your restaurant’s impact on the environment is to purchase produce and other foods locally, and by avoiding the purchase of too much, or overstocking. Not only can this cut costs tremendously, but it can also cut down on your restaurant’s carbon footprint, especially where transportation or importing is concerned. You are also effectively supporting local and small businesses while having the unique ability to bring a local and “always fresh” appeal to your guests at the same time. That’s a win-win.

Saving Energy

Consider switching your restaurant to solar energy for savings.

Reducing your restaurant’s energy waste can be a major change, though it can be well worth it in the long run. For instance, implementing the use of solar panels can help save money each month by reducing the cost of your restaurant’s energy bill. While the initial costs of purchasing solar panels can be expensive, it’s important to keep in mind that there are options to consider.

For example, a solar power purchase agreement (PPA) allows you to pay a varied amount based on the power that is produced, while in a solar lease you’d pay a fixed amount each month for the equipment. Knowing the difference between a solar PPA and a lease can allow you to make an educated decision that’s right for your establishment, thus making it a smart investment.

Big Steps with Small Changes

Small green initiative changes can make big impacts on a restaurant’s business.

Perhaps one of the best ways to start transforming your establishment is by making small changes. One small change that can make a major difference is banning plastic straws unless a customer specifically asks for one (some folks need straws for health/disability reasons). While it might seem insignificant, plastic straws are actually a large issue when it comes to unnecessary waste in the restaurant industry. In fact, more and more restaurants around the world are nixing plastic straws for paper alternatives or banning them all together.

For example, the city of Seattle banned plastic straws in July 2018, and Starbucks has a plan to phase them out by the end of 2020. Additional ways to make your restaurant more environmentally friendly can include swapping customer materials to reusable ones. For example, by implementing the use of washable plates, cups, etc. instead of using single-use versions in sit-down restaurants, or by using recyclable packaging. 

Making your restaurant more eco-friendly can seem like a large undertaking, though it doesn’t have to be difficult at all. By making small changes such as banning the use of single use plastic items, or even by implementing solar energy methods, you can effectively take a step in the right direction.

