How to Start a Successful Restaurant Business in 2020 — The Rail

How to Start a Successful Restaurant Business in 2020

By Mike Abelson, Contributor

Living at a time when the food industry is facing tough competition, it may be challenging to stay afloat in the business. This is especially so if you are starting out, and you do not have the basic tenets of the business.

Starting a restaurant business can be simple but maintaining it is another story altogether. You need to fully understand your market niche, analyze your competition, and work towards meeting the needs of your target market.

By creating an impressive and purposeful engagement with the people that matter in your path, you will be cultivating the right environment for your business to thrive. Remember, starting a restaurant business is not just about the money but more of how you engage with the stakeholders in the industry, and how best you study the game. As much as you may find great small business financing options out there, you also need to focus on great service. If you are starting out, here are top tips you will need to take into consideration to achieve success in your restaurant business.

Invest in the Right Restaurant Staff

New restaurants should invest in hiring the right staff.

Your restaurant is nothing without the right staff. You want to employees that are not only skilled but also dedicated towards their job and your vision. Build a work environment that makes your staff comfortable and remain productive. You also want your staff to treat your customers with decorum and value their presence.

However, in return, you also need to do the same to your staff. Inspire your staff with exemplary leadership skills. By doing so, your staff will pass on those values to your customers. Always work toward creating a strong restaurant culture that will make your employees want to stay with you for the long haul.

Your choice of chef should also be a top priority. Find a chef with years of experience in preparing mouthwatering dishes, and you can be sure of winning over guests with rave reviews of your menu. Remember, guests remain loyal to restaurants because of quality food and service.

Find Your Restaurant’s Special Hook

New restaurants should stress what makes them unique in their market.

As a new restaurant owner, you need to work towards creating that special hook that will remain special and gets guests to come to your establishment. You may stand out with a special menu or specific food expertise.

Examples: come up with that mind-blowing seafood buffet or even an eye-catching cocktail presentation.

On the other hand, your uniqueness may come from your room design or other entertainment facilities that aren’t available in other local venues. Whatever it is, focus on it and make it your business to expand its presence. In this age of social media, it becomes even more feasible to focus on posting those colorful and creative food recipes, drinks and activities from your restaurant.

Be Proactive with Your Restaurant’s Accounting

New restaurant operators should be proactive with their restaurant’s accounting.

Just like any other business, you will be working towards making profits. However, unlike other forms of business where taking stock and calculating daily sales is a walk in the park, accounting for a restaurant calls for expertise and taking a proactive approach towards the same.

Make it your business to practice and enforce tight accounting systems for your business. You can easily do this by clearly communicating your expectations. Always remain organized, follow through, label everything, forecast your sales, set pars, and have realistic goals.

This can only be possible if you commit to making your hands dirty and understanding your business from the inside out. Have in place the right accounting systems for everything and invest in the right human resource for the same.


Finding regular customers for a restaurant business is one of the greatest wins in the game. However, this will not be possible if you remain unpredictable and unreliable in your service and menu offering. Once you find a recipe that works well with your target audience, stick to it, and make it a regular offering. This will not only maintain guest loyalty but will also increase the number of visits to your restaurant.

Consistency, however, also extends to the way you treat your staff. Always be fair and considerate to each member of your staff. This will keep them motivated and offer great service to your customers.

A restaurant business may have its ups and downs, but if you fully understand what it takes to achieve success, you can be sure of reaping its benefits. Remember, there is more to the success of a restaurant business than just a good location. Always strive to create value and give a reason to that first-time visitor to come over again. Study, understand, and value your customers, as this will help keep them coming for more.

