The Daily Rail: The RLC Reveals Upcoming Restaurant Trends — The Rail

The Daily Rail: The RLC Reveals Upcoming Restaurant Trends

MARKETING: 7 Tips for Boosting Your Restaurant’s SEO Value

Digital marketing has become all-pervasive and almost every business is finding ways to use it to their advantage. This includes restaurants as well. Modern customers typically search for businesses on search engines whose algorithms systematically list the search results based on certain crucial factors. It is, therefore, imperative that you properly use SEO best practices to get displayed ahead of your competitors.  Here are a few tips on using SEO to improve your restaurant’s chances of being found on Google.


Chalmers Reserve

Emma Stone hosted SNL this past weekend and joined the cast in poking fun at celebrity wine brands. The faux commercial for Chalmers Reserve Event Wine has zingers like it’s actually “72% golden grain alcohol” and “After the first sip, guests will be like, ‘This can’t be right. I must have mis-tasted this.’ By the second sip, they won’t know great wine from leftover hot dog water.” Watch the whole skit here.

"When You Play the Game of Thrones You Win or You Die"

Morning Consult polled U.S. fans about which characters they think will die before the final episode. About 36% of fans anticipated Cersei Lannister not making it to the end of the season. A little over a third saw the Night King making his final exit before the curtains close on the show. Both Jon Snow and Arya Stark, the show's sweethearts, were some of the least likely characters to die, according to the fans.

Infographic: Fans See Winter Coming for These GoT Characters | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

Labor High in Demand

The number of job openings has now continuously exceeded the level of unemployment in the U.S. since March 2018, indicating high demand for labor, especially in the private sector where 6.4 million positions were unfilled at the end of February. The fact that qualified workers are a scarce resource these days should benefit workers, as the normal reaction to demand exceeding supply is rising prices, i.e. wages.

Infographic: Labor Is in High Demand in the U.S. | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista


Why it matters to you: Over use of fungicides appears to be giving rise to dangers fungal strains

The controversy surrounding over use of antibiotics has been ongoing for almost a decade. Farmers originally employed antibiotics because they promoted increased animal growth with fewer resources. If you don’t already know this, that approach has pushed our ability to fight infections worldwide to the brink because it promoted the growth of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria.

Fast forward to a recent report that strongly implies that widespread spread use of antifungals have given rise to increased risk of fungal infection. Cases of the rare pathogen Candida auris have been popping up across the globe including in New York, New Jersey, and Illinois.

The CDC continues to study the effects of antibiotic use and is also addressing the issues surrounding antifungals. There is clearly more for us to learn, but a healthy concern is 100% warranted.

Our industry is completely dependent on the choices of farm operators from small independent farms to Big Agra. While we can’t directly impact their direction with regard to antibiotics and antifungals, we have seen a steep decline in antibiotic use as the issue is brought to light. Sounds like it’s time to apply that same pressure to antifungals.

[Source: Mother Jones]


Why it matters to you: A recent leadership conference allows executives to identify industry trends.

We speak often about trends on The Daily Rail. It is our belief that every operator should be aware of the trends in our industry and their various trajectories. So, when the Restaurant Leadership Conference (RLC), the largest gathering of hospitality industry C-suite executives, was held last week the trends most influencing our industry’s top leaders were revealed

The most satisfying of those trends is the realization that third-party delivery expenses are becoming more negotiable. With so many companies vying for delivery partners and those partners realizing that 30% of each sale is too steep a price to pay, the atmosphere is perfect for lowering those costs. Consequently, we encourage you to ask that question before committing to a delivery partner.

There were two other significant trends/insights gleaned from the RLC. First was the trend to larger kitchens and smaller dining rooms. With guests preferring the fast casual approach of limited service but higher quality, operators can now utilize their kitchens to grow their off-premise business and maintain their quality. The other trend highlighted the role that meat alternatives are making right now. You need look no further than White Castle, a company that hasn’t changed their menu in 41 years, now exploring three different meat substitutes. While the world of the C-level restaurant industry execs doesn’t perfectly apply to all operators, it sure is nice to know where they see the industry heading. Better to be prepared and respond than late to the party and catching up.

[Source: Restaurant Business Online]

