The Daily Rail: ICE Agents Detain Three Restaurant Workers After Dining — The Rail

The Daily Rail: ICE Agents Detain Three Restaurant Workers After Dining

Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Today's Specials: 


LEARN: Why We Are Doing The Football Marketing Bootcamp?

We know your pain. We talk to you guys every day about what challenges you are facing. Now, we are doing something about it. Please take a moment and read this post about our Football Marketing Bootcamp and how excited we are to present solutions to the real problems you face and give you access to some industry thought leadership, without having to travel to a convention. So please take a moment and mark June 27th from 2pm ET until 6pm ET on your calendar. That’s when our four, 1-hour sessions on things you simply need to know will be happening live.

STAFF: What’s The Best Digital Training Program for Restaurant Staff?

Let’s face it, technology is changing everything we do. Starting with POS in the late ‘80s to today, can you imagine not having the types of digital resources you use daily? Scheduling, background music, inventory/ordering. Training is a perfect place to implement your next technology.



How Thirsty Is Our Food?

Sometimes we don’t realize that the food we eat can have a huge water footprint. This infographic from Statista shows the liters of water required to produce one kilogram of food. 1kg of beef for a barbecue has an average of 15,415 liters of water used in its production.

Infographic: How Thirsty is Our Food? | Statista


May the Force Be With You

In honor of Star Wars’ 40th anniversary last week, Eater found a collection of vintage food commercials featuring the Star Wars characters. Luckily they aren’t anywhere as creepy as the old McDonald’s commercials.


‘Love Comes in All Flavors’

Ben & Jerry’s in Australia is fighting for marriage equality with their new scoop policy “banning” two scoops of the same flavor. The idea is intended to recognize there will be no same-flavors scoops until same-sex marriage is legal in the land down under.



Why it matters to you: our employees directly reflect our brand.

Sometimes working at a global food chain can give employees an inside look at the horrors that go on behind the scenes. On that note, Munchies featured a profile on a former barista at a global coffee chain documenting their experience with sanitary conditions as well as constantly being high on caffeine. After this barista transferred to another location in New York, they described the shift in persona from their customers to their coworkers. Sanitary wise, there are some surprisingly horrible anecdotes from stepping on dead mice to breaking up drug deals in the bathroom. Overall, not exactly what you would expect working at a coffee chain.

What employees disclose about their work experiences can reflect poorly on the brand. Most often, the global brand name is not fully responsible for many of the problems this barista experienced, but more so the upper management of the franchise. One of the added incentives to ensuring cleanliness and organized leadership is not only to drive business but also to accurately represent the brand. It is very easy to get a bad reputation after a few negative incidents where our employees are direct witnesses. Ways to combat this problem are to confirm the staff is on the same page while having open discussions about any issues.



Why it matters to you: immigration agents continue to crack down on undocumented workers.

Deportations of restaurant workers are becoming an increasingly significant problem in many states across the country. Last week, the owner of a Michigan restaurant said that U.S. immigration agents eating breakfast at her restaurant then proceeded to arrest three workers after dining there. The Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials said the agents were doing “a targeted enforcement action” at the restaurant after detaining two employees, two who entered the country illegally and another who overstayed his visa. According to multiple sources, both employees had the proper documents to work in the U.S but did not have them on hand.

The restaurant industry heavily relies on immigrant labor, and it’s becoming more and more common to hear stories of ICE agents cracking down on undocumented workers in restaurants. Although this case is extremely strange, as to why the agents were dining in the restaurant; but it provides an extra incentive to review our employee’s records. After the restaurant owner sent the proper documents to ICE officials, all help employees were released later that day. The owner told Michigan Live that, "it scares the whole community. Today's a great indication even if you have your documentation, and you're at the wrong place at the wrong time, you can still be at risk."

Hero image courtesy of Michigan Live

