The Rail's End of Year Restaurant Management Survey! — The Rail

The Rail's End of Year Restaurant Management Survey!

Our industry has so many facets it can be difficult for an operator to balance their attention on what is most important. Here at The Rail, we have the same problem. We try to cover as varied and interesting an array of subjects and content types (video, listicles, blogs, etc.), but it’s hard to know if we are serving the needs of our subscribers without getting your feedback.

That is why we are running this end of year survey. We want to learn your preferences so we don’t waste your time with subjects that don’t interest you. For example, we are convinced that technology is an incredibly important topic that many of you will benefit from us covering. Unfortunately, it appears you folks aren’t particularly interested in our takes on tech.

Consequently, we have decided to stop guessing what you guys want to read and just ask. I know, duh!

So, we need your help. But have no fear, we are happy to give you a little something the effort. We will run this survey until New Year’s Day. The first 64 of you that complete the survey will get a great Moscow Mule copper mug and one lucky winner will receive a brand new iPad Mini.

We really do value our subscribers and hope you will all participate and help us, help you. Thanks and have a great end of the year and a prosperous 2018.

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