Restaurant owners, what does this year's election mean to you? [POLL & PRIZE] — The Rail

Restaurant owners, what does this year's election mean to you? [POLL & PRIZE]

With the election so close and the debate schedule underway, we really want to know which issues matter most to restaurant operators.

We have identified 10 issues that are hot topics this election cycle. All you have to do is rate their importance from 1-10 -- 1 being, “Who cares?” and 10 being, “I care a lot!” 

We'll take your responses and give you an idea of what your peers think, so you can make an informed decision on November 6th. In fact, we are so concerned about learning what your think that we are giving away one of these amazing BumDrums fire barrels to one lucky poll participant (all responses will remain private and anonymous).

Take the Poll

Complete the poll and you are entered to win a custom fire barrel from our friends at BumDrums. These drums come complete with a side mounted bottle opener, grilling racks and BumDrums swag. This is all delivered to one lucky winner from those that complete the poll. You can use it as an amazing prize for your guests or keep it all to yourself. Imagine how much fun you will have hanging around this barrel wondering which candidate will be worse for our business and beyond!

