Two Posters to Help Your Restaurant’s Staff Avoid Food Allergy Incidents — The Rail

Two Posters to Help Your Restaurant’s Staff Avoid Food Allergy Incidents

Last week, we wrote about Ming Tsai's food allergy reference system, which we're sure will become your staff's new best friend.

(Note: We have/had no official affiliation with Ming Tsai; we just think the system is legit, plus it's free).

But since we know you take food allergies seriously at your restaurant, we decided to dig up some more useful allergy-related resources to help your staff keep guests safe and happy.  

Here are two great posters from the fine folks at The first is on identifying the symptoms of an allergic reaction in a child and the other is a visual illustration of the most common food allergies you’ll run into. Both are useful visuals to aid your staff in keeping guests safe.

Both posters are available as PDF downloads from the website. Be sure to check them out for more great resources.

As for the posters: Download it. Print it. Hang it up.

Identifying Allergic Reactions in Kids Poster


8 Major Food Allergens Poster


And don’t forget to watch this video on how restaurants can avoid food allergy-related incidents in our Under 60 Seconds feature.

