Starbucks barista learns sign language for deaf customer [Photo] — The Rail

Starbucks barista learns sign language for deaf customer [Photo]

There's great service and then there's amazing service.

One Starbucks barista definitely fell in the latter category after she learned American Sign Language (ASL) to boost the experience of one of her regular's.

Ibby Piracha got the pleasant surprise when the barista handed him a note saying she had been practicing ASL. She then asked what he would like to drink in sign.

Ibby Piracha's photo went viral after a Starbucks barista learned American Sign Language for him

The barista said she was teaching herself through Youtube videos, according to WJLA.

This isn't the only Starbucks to have an ASL-educated employee. A video went viral back in November 2015 of a Starbucks drive-thru barista helping a deaf customer via sign language.

Sometimes small gestures make the biggest impacts.

