You've Lost That Loving Feeling — The Rail

You've Lost That Loving Feeling

The Restaurant Industry According to Hollywood #29

While strictly speaking it isn’t karaoke, but it sort of feels that way as you watch Tom Cruise as Maverick singing to Kelly McGillis at the ‘flight’ bar in Top Gun. This moment is one many of us would love to see transpire in our own locations. There was a great joint on the Upper West Side of NYC called Lucy’s Retire Surfer’s Bar that planned and timed their music to get the whole bar on its feet to join the staff singing classics like Paradise By The Dashboard Lights. It was a sight to see, that many folks singing their hearts out on a Tuesday night in Manhattan.

Tom Cruise, aka Maverick, shows you how it's done!!! Co-starring Goose (Anthony Edwards) as his wingman.

No doubt, Maverick would have crashed and burned in the real world, but in this little bit of fiction, it’s him that gets taken advantage of by the flight instructor who knows the game. For you, music can be a great way to set the mood, raise the energy and entertain your late night patrons. The art of setting the tempo and energy of your restaurant/bar with music may have died with the arrival of Pandora and other music based collection services. However, if you want to make your place come to life…build a soundtrack of great music and play it at the right time. You might just ignite some good times at your place.

