It Takes a Village to Run a Restaurant Marriage Proposal — The Rail

It Takes a Village to Run a Restaurant Marriage Proposal

The Restaurant Industry According to Hollywood #27

Restaurants have a vaunted place in the pursuit of matrimony. Countless, couples have exchanged the promise of marriage in our dining rooms and at our bars. If you’ve never seen this, it’s actually quite beautiful. 

Yes, the cynics will say that 50% of them fail, but the hope is still nice to see. 

In this scene from Love Actually, it appears to take a village to get this couple to connect; the entire bar wants to participate. While it’s definitely a caricature of our industry, that’s exactly what happens when someone pops the question in your restaurant. 

The best part is the reaction in your restaurant is pretty much the same as in the scene. Nothing wrong with love actually winning, in our humble opinion. Have you ever experienced that in your place?

