How to Hire Best Kitchen Manager for Your Business — The Rail

How to Hire Best Kitchen Manager for Your Business

By Kyra Chawla, HR Head, Alliance Recruitment Agency

Hiring a competent and talented kitchen manager it is definitely no mean feat. There’s more to the eye than just preparing some food and delivering it. And that compounds the more your restaurant gets. Bigger the crowds, the bigger the job.

And the kitchen is easily the most important space of any restaurant. It has to be well-maintained and properly conditioned per the standards you’ve set for your business. Thus, the issue of kitchen manager recruitment is not one to be taken lightly or casually.

So, you might as well go through all the details given below and check out the best way to hire the most appropriate kitchen manager. After all, your restaurant deserves nothing but the best, right?

Why do you need a kitchen manager?

We spend so much time making sure we’re hiring the best front of house staff, we shouldn’t overlook the back of house. For our restaurants to run well and smoothly, it’s important for both houses to be working in unison. Most restaurant owners and operators are usually way too busy in running the business to always giving kitchen the proper supervision and support it needs.

In situations like this, the best way to make sure that your business flourishes in to get the properly trained individual to handle your kitchen. And that’s where kitchen manager recruitment comes in the picture.

The tricks of the trade to get a good kitchen manager:

Of course, there is no short cut method that will guarantee your permanent status in the hall of fame of all business; however, a good kitchen manager will be indispensable to growing your restaurant.

Here are a few tips to ensure that you get to hire the best kitchen manager you can imagine:

  1. The first and foremost tip would be the bluntest one. Get a proper consultant and recruiting firm to handle the kitchen manager recruitment related problems. As long as they know about the specifications you need, and the kind of salary you can offer, the recruitment agency will be able to present you with a good list of candidates you can choose from. It’ll save you time to work on other pressing matters.

  2. You can utilize many other job posting associated websites and advertise the opening in your local newspapers and sites.

  3. Be specific in your interview and focus only on a candidate who specializes in the skills you actually seek in your manager. The interview should very direct and polite, without feeling the need to drag on any conversation.

  4. Your kitchen manager needs to adjust to the different temperaments of the staff and handle them very efficiently. Thus, it is only fair to expert that all the chefs and other staff working under him would actually like to know him better. Organize a conversation with the members of your staff and make sure that the kitchen staffs reacts warmly to him and vice versa.

  5. The tenacious problem of kitchen manager recruitment is once you make the right decision, you will not regret it. The candidates should fulfill your criteria and choices should be similar.

  6. A kitchen manager that is used to working under pressure is the most ideal. You may even say that’s a paramount skillset. You can be rest assured that to be able to deal with your restaurant perfectly, you need a good meal and even greater service.

We hope that the above tips are really useful for you and help you to recruit the right kind of person you want!

