Vet your Options Using the Audition Process for New Employees [HACK #108] — The Rail

Vet your Options Using the Audition Process for New Employees [HACK #108]

Make Me an Latte

Looking to fill a position at your restaurant or bar but tired of hiring employees that end up not working out? Try an audition process! Auditioning can be a great way to vet your options and move forward with new employees that are a sure-shot rather than a gamble! 

An easy example would be for hiring a barista or bartender, choose a few different (of your most popular) drinks and have them make them for you. Old fashioned slightly off the mark? Maybe the next guy/girl can do better? Latte too dry? Time to check out the next candidate! You can easily gauge how much training a new employee will need just from a few simple tests performed in the interview process and decide based on actual performance rather than a potentially doctored up resume.

Auditioning can lead us to a much more solid and consistent staff with less turnover opportunity. For servers you can do a few short shifts to monitor how they perform under pressure and follow up with your guests for a “review” of sorts, maybe offer the opportunity to your regulars along with a giftcard or discount for their valued feedback and to show appreciation.

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