Six Restaurants that Might Get a Bad Yelp Review — The Rail

Six Restaurants that Might Get a Bad Yelp Review

We get it, sh*t happens; and some of these restaurants know firsthand. Here are six restaurants that had either given their best effort and had unfortunate luck, or just got it SOO wrong. In the future, these establishments should prepare for the wrath of Yelp.  


Snakes in the Ceiling

Thanks you watching!






This video is the nightmare of every food inspector and germophobe who is afraid of what is hiding in the kitchen in back of the restaurant they are visiting. The clip shows countless fat rats running up a metal pipe after a cameraperson turns the kitchen lights.


Oh Deer


Floor Food

Camera captures a waitress dropping food on the floor and then serving it. After a customer complained to management about particles found in food tape was reviewed and she was fired. Reference number '1839'. For licensing information, please contact


Health Inspection at Pho 999

It's a disturbing sight happening behind a restaurant, all captured on camera. A Montbello family recorded videos of employees at Pho 999 apparently chopping up meat outside their back door. "The first thing I thought of, is that man cutting up meat?" said Kagome Levy.


And This One for an Added Bonus 


Merged Calls

Merging Two Chinese Restaurants Calls Together Together Viral 2.0 - SUBSCRIBE!! Prank Call, Merging Call, Chinese To Chinese Merge, 2017 Funny, Lmao, WSHH, Viral, Twitter Video, Merging Phone Calls,



