How Hollywood Sees Us: Is Katz's Diner the center of NYC? — The Rail

How Hollywood Sees Us: Is Katz's Diner the center of NYC?

The Restaurant Industry According to Hollywood #19

Katz’s is truly an iconic Jewish Deli in New York City’s SoHo neighborhood. It has been featured in many films and TV shows (Law & Order, Donnie Brasco, Echanted) but none as hilariously raunchy as this scene from When Harry Met Sally. The scene itself has taken on its own iconic identity over the years, spurring laugh out loud reactions and more than a few arguments about who can know when it’s real and who doesn’t. 

What makes the scene work is what also makes our restaurants such interesting places to spend time — diversity. The central characters (yes, Harry and Sally) become the object of everyone’s attention when she gives her now-famous impression of a women in passion. But the editing is just as important as Meg Ryan’s “performance,” because the reactions of the other patrons are so perfect.

To this day, the table at Katz’s where the scene was shot is marked by a sign saying, “Where Harry met Sally...hope you have what she had! Enjoy!”

