Why did the restaurateur cross the road? Because HUMOR works! — The Rail

Why did the restaurateur cross the road? Because HUMOR works!

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Thinking of something interesting to post on social media can feel like a Sisyphean task. Even when you come up with a great tweet or Facebook post, the next space that you need to fill is just around the corner. As you push your boulder up the hill, sharing photos of your newest entrees, you pause for a moment (perhaps, reflecting on the cleverness of your latest 140-character musing). The rock slips from your grasp. It rolls all of the way to the bottom of the hill. 

This is what life can feel like when you and your staff members attempt to satiate the social media beast. It consumes everything that you throw at, the good and the bad, without ever losing its appetite. You could ignore it all together, like some of your competitors surely do, but that would be turning your back on the hundreds of millions of people who use social media daily. It would be giving countless restaurants and bars the chance to steal your fans and customers. 

Instead of admonishing social media for the challenges it presents, look at it as an opportunity to grow as an operator, a leader and an entrepreneur. This is why it’s critical to employ best practices and recommended strategies to maximize your social media investment. Cultivating your presence on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram shouldn’t feel like a burden. It’s a chance to elevate your business’ digital identity to both gain new customers and build deeper relationships with your existing ones. 

When posting on social media, it’s important to separate yourself from those who view it as chore. Don’t just share any boring photo just for the sake of having content on your page. As our friends at Main Street Hub recommend in their guide “The 5 Best Ways to Brand Your Bar or Restaurant,” feel free to use humor to make your audience smile and keep your content fresh. By injecting wit and personality into your posts, you can succeed in naturally connecting people to your brand. 

As evidenced in the social media posts below from a handful of restaurants & bars -- all of whom are Main Street Hub clients -- an interesting image and a witty caption can highlight your business’ personality. Each of the four posts are creative and memorable. This is what successful social media content looks like. 

To learn more content lessons from Main Street Hub, download their free guide “The 5 Best Ways to Brand Your Bar or Restaurant”

