Why all bars and restaurants should care about tabletop tablets — The Rail

Why all bars and restaurants should care about tabletop tablets

I’m sure you have read the news. Restaurant chains near and far are implementing tabletop tablets for ordering and payment. From Chili’s to Red Robin, Applebee’s, Buffalo Wild Wings and The Olive Garden, tablets are becoming as commonplace on restaurant tables as salt and pepper. Restaurants that implement the solution tout faster table turns, higher tip averages, and an overall improved guest experience as proof that tabletop tablets are here to stay.

I know what some of you are thinking, “I only have one location. Tabletop tablets are meant for multi-unit operators and restaurant chains. You’re lucky that I read past the headline and first paragraph.” You would be right if you only considered the dominant paradigm for how tabletop tablets are being used today. You would be missing out on a solution that could impact multiple parts of your business.

While deployed tabletop tablets will number well-over 150,000 by year-end, I continue to be surprised that they’re not better integrated into a restaurant’s overall entertainment experience. I realize that Red Robin, Chili’s, and Applebee’s use them first and foremost for ordering and payment. I contend that the majority of companies in the tabletop tablet space are missing an enormous opportunity to build these devices into a much more dynamic guest experience. A section on the tablet for arcade games is nice, but it’s not a replacement for apps on a guest’s smartphone.

While Ziosk and e La Carte have been dominating the headlines with massive tablet deployments, I believe that Buzztime offers a unique solution that works for restaurants and bars of all sizes. As opposed to its competitors, Buzztime originally developed its tabletop tablet solution with an entertainment-focused mindset first and payment second. What this means is that its platform seamlessly blends in-venue entertainment with self-service dining. Buzztime gives bars and restaurants the flexibility of delivering an entertainment-only solution or one that mixes the best of social gaming and tabletop payment.

New games like Jackpot Trivia and Buzztime Sports: Football Edition support on-demand gameplay which continuing to pit guests and restaurants against one another. Rather than facilitating a single dominant function, Buzztime’s tablets are dynamic puzzle pieces that support guest engagement, social game play, on-demand entertainment, and self-service dining. It’s up to you to choose which is most important to your bar or restaurant. Whether you’re an independent operator or part of a restaurant chain, Buzztime promises to enhance your business.

I would like to learn more about Buzztime’s unique tablet solution

Image by ebayink.

