RailTALK: Handling Sexual Harassment Issues in the Restaurant Industry — The Rail

It's Time to Put Harassment to a Stop. 

The myriad of sexual harassment scandals coming out of Hollywood and D.C. might be taking up most of the headlines, but let's not pretend like the restaurant industry is innocent from sexual harassment problems. Sexual harassment is a huge problem in bars and restaurants, especially for women servers who feel the need to put up with harassment to earn their tips. It's a blight on our industry, and it's up to operators and managers to put it to an end. 

This inaugural edition of RailTALK will discuss about with restaurant professionals the important and difficult issues of handling sexual harassment incidents in your locations. Everything from policy making, to team training, to dealing with staff and guests when incidents and complaints arise. This is a serious issue that every restaurant and sports bar needs to address.

Watch it Live or On-Demand!

Navigating Sexual Harassment Issues at Your Bar & Restaurant is a free livestream that'll take place on January 31st at 4pm ET. Sign up below to get access to the stream page and to get early access to the on-demand video.

Navigating Sexual Harassment Issues at Your Bar & Restaurant

Sexual harassment is a huge blight on the restaurant industry. It's time to take a stand. Here's how.

Sign up below. We'll redirect you to the live stream page & email you the link for future reference!

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